The key application classes of mobile ad hoc networks are the group oriented services. Multicast routing protocol is basically used in the above services. Consequently it is required to design reliable and stable multicast routing protocols for MANETs in order to efficiently manage the flooding method based on service delay characteristics of the contributing nodes. This article proposes a mesh based multicast routing method that satisfies the delay requirements to flood the Join-Query messages. The contributing nodes are used as 'First In First Out' (FIFO) systems. The stable routes are found based on delay analysis, random packet arrival, service time process and random channel access in the forwarding nodes. The link stability is calculated by using the parameters such as distance between neighboring nodes and the quality of link is assessed using bit errors in a packet. The simulation results show that the control overhead is reduced in various scenarios as compared to basic ODMRP.
Keywords: Ad hoc networks, Multicast routing, Multicast mesh network, Relay node, Quality Link