A serological survey was carried out in suspected cases of leptospirosis with fever, Jaundice, Myalgia, Diarrhoea, Conjunctival hemorrhage etc in cattle and poultry workers.Atotal 165 serum samples from male and female individual at different age groups were tested including control. The prevalence data were analyzed in relation to age, sex and sero groups. Of the sample 18.7%reacted with antigens of different sero groups of titer ranging from 1/40 to 1/1280 with predominance of titer less than (or) equal to 1/160; of positive sera reacted with respective of the autumnalis sero group. Reaction with autumnalis (25.8), hebdomalis (22.5), australis (19.3), pomona, (9.6) grippotyphosa (6.5), copenhageni (9.6) and mixed (6.5) were also detected, through at lower frequencies. The true incidence of the diseases is probably much higher here. Male comprised above (24%) or the cases, the higher rule of infection was in the 20 – 45 years age groups. For female incidence increased with age up to late middle – age. The incidence of disease much higher among cattle and poultry workers.
KEYWORDS:Leptospirosis, Serology, Serovar, cattle,MAT,MSAT, ELISA |