The paucity of proper awareness on maternal health in rural area as well as in metro cities was fallouts in an alarming number of maternity and infant deaths. In developing nations like India where there are more rural areas as well as in metro cities, Most of the pregnant ladies were being alone in home and that is not safe for them since they get pregnancy pain at any time. Preventive measures by constant health care monitoring of the pregnant women and alert about the pregnancy pain to the nearby hospital which they preferred is the main objective of the project. The health monitoring device suggested in this project constantly measures the body pressure with the help of the pressure measurement kit and measures the Heart Beat of a Pregnant Women by using the Heart beat Sensor and whenever there are fluctuations from the normal value it sends the information to her gynecologist via the mobile. Also in this proposed system IoT (Internet of things) has been implemented, where IoT is a key and its related technology plays a dynamic role in pregnant women care taking inside hospital and outside. IoT ensure the effective and efficient care of pregnant women in any environment .The usage of these advanced technologies in pregnant women care environment, absolutely eradicates the pregnancy complications and harmful incidents.
Index Terms: Pregnant Women, Heart beat Sensor, Pressure Measurement, IoT |