Intelligent Electronic Systems||Information Sciences and Computing||Applied Bio Engineering||Design and Manufacturing Technologies
Electronic Sciences and Systems||Advances in Computing and Management||Chembiosis||Advances in Building and Mechanics
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Call For Papers    

The Editor-in-Chief, International and National Journals, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to be University) invites articles for publication in all disciplines of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology to be published in the bi-annual issues. Authors are encouraged to submit the manuscript of their original research work (not published / submitted for publication elsewhere) for publication. Papers are to be sent strictly via online submission for the review process.

Journal Issue Last Date of Submission
International Journals January 31st October
July 30th April
National Journals
April 31st January
October 31st July


Manuscript highlighting the recent research, development and application in the following areas are welcome.


Journals Themes
International Journal on Intelligent Electronic Systems
(ISSN - 0973-9238)

National Journal on Electronic Sciences and Systems
(ISSN - 0975 - 7325)
• Analysis ,Design and implementation in the field of   Science of Sensors
• Signal & Image Processing
• Communication & Networking
• VLSI Design and MEMS
• Power Engineering and Automotive Electronics
• Robotics Automation and Machine Vision
• Evolutionary Computation and Nano Electronics
• Bio Electronics and Electronic Sciences
• Software Quality Assurance

International Journal on Information Sciences and Computing

(ISSN - 0973-9092)

National Journal on Advances in Computing and Management

(ISSN - 0975 - 7295)

•Mobile Computing and Security
•Data Mining and Warehousing
•Soft Computing Techniques
•Web Services and Natural Methodology
•Service Oriented Architecture(SOA)
•Information Security and Standards
•Reverse Engineering and Re-engineering
•Enterprise Software Architecture and Design Engineering
•Information and Service
•Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
•Autonomic and Utility Computing
•Multimedia , Entertainment and Grid Computing & Testing
•Global Strategic Management

International Journal on Applied Bio Engineering

(ISSN- 0973-9084 )

National Journal on Chembiosis

(ISSN - 0975 - 7309)

•Product Development
•Analysis and Remediation in the fields of Nano
•Applied Microbial Technology
•Marine Biotechnology and Tissue Engineering
•Biomaterials & Artificial Organs
•Computational and Systems Biology
•Chemical and Environmental Sciences

International Journal on Design and Manufacturing Technology

(ISSN -0973-9106)

National Journal on Advances in Building and Mechanics

(ISSN - 0975 - 7317)

•Computer Aided Design and Analysis
•Robotics and Rapid Prototyping
•Modern Manufacturing Processes
•Advances in Automobile Technologies
•Modeling and Simulation
•Aerodynamics, Aerospace Materials and Measuring Systems
•Water Resources and Waste Management
•Seismic and Tsunami Resistant Structures
•Urban Planning and Urban Design
•Climatic Design
•Sustainable Development
•Building Services and Building Science
•Project Management
• GIS & Remote Sensing Applications

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